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The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ

In discussing the human nature, there are major theological differences, especially in the realm of the spirit and soul. These disagreements are not discussed in this paper but will certainly influence the reader’s perception of what is stated. The author highly encourages the reader challenges their own thinking on this matter by solely relying on Scripture rather than theology to strengthen their understanding of and confidence in the truth regarding the human nature. This paper in no way implies, supports, suggest, or reveals that there is any change in the clear separation of the pre-Testament, Israel, Church, or Millennial Kingdom saints. These groups of believers have different promises with different content to their salvation and will always be distinct.

Where does the human soul and spirit come from? We know that the body comes from the parents, but what about the other parts of the human nature? To understand this, we are going to examine what Scripture reveals about where the body, soul, and spirit originate from and how this unique creation of God propagates, along with the fact that even though we share in our nature, we are individuals and personally liable to God.

In the creation of humans, we have two stories in Scripture that give us details on our beginning. These stories are not in contrast to one another; rather, the second one gives us more details on what God did in creating humans. In Genesis 1, we are given an overview of the renovation of the earth and the creation of Adam. God created humans; male and female1, yet He did not create both male and female. As we examine chapter two of Genesis, we find that Adam is […]

The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ2023-11-25T15:06:39-08:00

Render Ineffective

“Render ineffective” (καταργέω) describes how something is not producing what it was intended to yield. It is not working properly and therefore returning nothing of value.

We first see this word in Scripture in a parable concerning a fig tree that is not producing fruit. It is rendering ineffective the ground, which should be producing for the owner. Luke 13:7 … cut it down, in order that why also does it render ineffective the ground? The space this tree is taking up could be used to produce fruit.

In discussing the advantage of the Jews, for the oracles of God were committed to them, Paul brings up a question concerning those who do not believe. Did their unbelief render ineffective the faithfulness of God, Romans 3:3? No, in fact, it does not. As it is written, God is true and every man is a liar because He will be justified in His Words and victorious when He judges, Romans 3:4, for He will save a remnant of Israel. Although faith does not negate the value of the law, the promise is not through law, for if it was, then faith would be rendered ineffective since the law is not out from faith, Romans 3:31; 4:14. However, those who seek to be justified out from law have rendered ineffective the Christ in their lives and have fallen from grace, Galatians 5:4, for through the law the sin nature is fully known, not righteousness. The law does not render ineffective the promise that was given four hundred and thirty years before it, Galatians 3:17. Rather the law was added because of the transgression until the faith in Christ should come.

When it comes to how we govern our lives and […]

Render Ineffective2023-11-25T07:46:01-08:00

2 Corinthians The Things That Are Not Seen Are Eternal

We Speak Because We Believe, 2 Corinthians 4:13-15

Having the same Spirit of faith according to what was written, 2 Corinthians 4:13

Referring to Psalms 116:10

The Author of the Psalm expresses His belief in God

He called out to God, and God saved Him

We Speak Because We Believe

Faith Always Goes Back to a Promise, Hebrews 11:1

The Reason Paul Speaks is Because He Believes God

Not a Belief Built on Presumption, but Actual Fact and Promises From God

Christ was Actually Raised from the Dead on the Third Day According to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:4

God Really Created a New Man in Which Christ is the Head and the Church is the Body, comprising of Both Jew and Gentile, 2 Corinthians 5:17

We Actually Possess Eternal Life and Therefore All Things Pertaining to Life and godliness, 2 Peter 1:3-4

God Will Raise Us Along with Jesus, 2 Corinthians 4:14

We Don’t Have an Experiential Knowledge Yet, For We Are Not Resurrected

When We See Him We Will Be Like Him, 1 John 3:2

We are Given The Holy Spirit as a Guarantee of Our Full Redemption, Ephesians 1:13-14

The Grace Super Abounding Unto Thanksgiving, 2 Corinthians 4:15

Grace Exists in Abundance

Grace is God’s Attitude Whereby He Gives a Benefit Without Consideration of Merit

Grace Increases Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an Attitude of Gratitude

The Things Not Seen Are Eternal, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Although The Body Is Decaying We are Not Cowards, 2 Corinthians 4:16

We Do Not […]

2 Corinthians The Things That Are Not Seen Are Eternal2023-12-14T08:17:17-08:00

The Law of the Christ – Theological Forum 2018

The Law of The Christ – Download paper in PDF.

The Law of The Christ

Caring for Members of the Body

Pastor Luther Walker

In the book of Galatians[1] Paul states that the bearing of another person’s weight[2] is filling up again the law of the Christ; yet, in Romans he writes that a Christian is not under any quality of law[3]. How do we reconcile passages of Scripture that seem to contradict each other? What does Scripture mean when it states a Christian is not under any quality of law, yet then indicates there is a law of the Christ and a law of the Spirit? Is a Christian under law or not? Ultimately this leads to the underlying question, “As a Christian, what are the guidelines for my life?” To better understand the rules of our household[4], that is to say God’s expectation for how the saved are to live their life today, we can examine how the word “law” is used in Scripture along with its normal meaning and use in everyday life so we know the difference between being under the Mosaic Law or any quality of law and filing up again the Law of the Christ by loving another saint while fulfilling the law the Spirit of life by our walk.

Since we are in the Dispensation of Grace, not the Dispensation of Law, the standard for our household is different. Scripture is very clear on the fact that a Christian is not under the Mosaic Law or any quality of law[5]; however, there is still a standard by which those who are a […]

The Law of the Christ – Theological Forum 20182018-11-11T22:50:12-08:00

The Basics of the Christian Life – Salvation


Salvation comes by faith through grace. Today a person is saved by believing that Christ died for their sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:3, 41. God is offering salvation by grace, not works2. Grace is God’s attitude whereby He gives a benefit without the consideration of merit. In other words, you cannot earn salvation because God is not offering salvation based upon works, who you are, or even who you will become – no merit is considered3. What God requires for salvation is that you take Him at His Word. Faith is the undergirding4 of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds5 not seen and is always based upon a promise6. Direct faith at Christ through the facts of the good news by which we are saved (believing that He died for your […]

The Basics of the Christian Life – Salvation2016-10-12T06:02:30-07:00
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